The NorCore office organises a digital event on 17 February, on the European Green Deal, and its relevance for research, innovation and higher education.
The European Green Deal impacts all the EU actions and programmes and challenges our “silo-thinking”: We are asked to look beyond the traditional limits of subject fields, and between structures.
In this seminar, we examine what the European Green Deal means for the EU-programmes for research, innovation and higher education, and the impact for stakeholders. How is the set-up of the EU and the European funding suited for dealing with this massive cross-sectoral approach, and what impact does it have on the way stakeholders work within the European programmes?
We are honoured to have with us the Norwegian Ambassador to the EU Mr Rolf Einar Fife to open the event, and Ms Céline Charveriat from the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) to deliver a Key-Note speech, in addition to representatives from the EU Commission and European and Norwegian stakeholder organisations in Brussels who will share their thoughts on the topic, among others, SrE’s director, Runa Monstad.
Two academics who have succeeded in bringing the green transition into their European projects will also share their experiences.

Registration: link
Registration is free of charge, a link will be sent to you a few days prior to the event.