University of Stavanger

About us


Med 1 900 ansatte er Universitetet i Stavanger en viktig forskningsinstitusjon i Stavangerregionen. Forskningen ved UiS foregår i tilknytning til doktorgradsprogrammer, forskningssentre, programområder for forskning og en rekke større og mindre forskningsprosjekter.

UiS har lang erfaring fra ERASMUS+ og andre EU-prosjekter og initiativ. For eksempel koordinerer UiS det Horisont 2020-finansierte prosjektet Envirocitizen. Prosjektet tar sikte på å forske på hvordan man kan oppmuntre miljømedborgerskap gjennom engasjement med innbyggerne.

With 1,900 employees, the University of Stavanger (UiS) is an important research institution in the Stavanger Region. Research at UiS takes place in connection with doctoral degree programs, research centers, program areas for research, and several and smaller and larger research projects.

UiS has vast experience from ERASMUS+ as well as other EU projects and initiatives. An example is the Horizon 2020 funded project Envirocitizen, which aims to study how to encourage environmental citizenship through engagement with the citizens.

The University of Stavanger has 15 research centers. They include:

  • SEROS – Center for Risk Management and Societal Safety
  • CIAM – Center for Industrial Asset Management / Center for Industrial Technology and Operations Management
  • CORE – Center for Organelle Research / Center for Organelle Research
  • Norwegian Center for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE)
  • SAFER – Stavanger Acute Medicine Foundation for Education and Research
  • Center for Sustainable Energy (Cense)
  • Center for Innovation Research
  • Center for Increased Oil Extraction (Corec)
  • Center for Quality and Safety in the Health Service (SHARE)